NTC’s New VOIP Regulations

The short end of it: I dont like the regulations. The newer one is worse than the old one. Before, it was bad enough that NTC puts up a host of barriers to help entrenched players, NOW, the newer regulations even states the interconnection charges!

My personal view is for NTC to review its policy and protect not the entrenched players’ interest, but also the larger national interest as well. These artificial barriers are actually a hindrance to helping spur newer businesses that redound to the national interest.

I have been invited to the 2008 Regional Information & Communications Technology Congress with the theme “Positioning the Region towards ICT Dominance in the Philippines this coming Feb. 26, 2008. This two-day event will feature keynote lectures from prominent national and regional leaders in the field of information technology, media and telecommunications.

I think National policies similar to NTC’s voip ruling are stumbling blocks to businesses’ competitive posture in the international arena. It should be at the top of the list of the congress.