Promoting your Site via Yahoo Action buttons

I stumbled into the Yahoo Action Buttons from a roundabout way. I was reading Darren Rowse (Problogger) post about Adsense allowing other contextual ads to co-exists. He cites Jennsense in turn as having confirmed that indeed Google Adsense now allows other contextual ads (with a few caveats). So I went over to Yahoo Publisher to […]

Evolution of Blog Spam and counter measures

Captchas were very effective in stopping automated blog spams. These spam tend to clobber the comment boxes of blogs and make the links and reading it less palatable to the blog reader. That was round one. In the next round, we will start seeing blog spams employing spam armies that read the captchas and human […]

Second SEO Contest

BNS is proud to be a sponsor of the PHilippines’ second SEO contest organized by Marc Macalua, who says: “Right on the heels of the very successful Isulong SEOPH keyword ranking contest, I’m pleased to announce the launch of the second Philippine keyword ranking contest. This is a pet project of SEO Philippines, a local […]

Fastest Way to Get Google to Index your site!

As i suspected, if your run an adword campaign, it will have the effect of having google bot crawl your site and add the statistics almost immediatedly. While adword google bot and google bot are different, they do share the same cache, and so, what one bot visits, the other bot knows! Here is an […]

Removing Stale Content from Google Search results

You *had* a page before. It was deleted or migrated somewhere else. The problem is that google had its crawler add the stale site to its database. Now, search results still include this stale site. The question here is, how do we immediately delete this from google’s search results? The simplest answer is HERE in […]