Broadvoice Support

Being a techie its unavoidable that I also dabble a little bit into VOIP. We set up an Asterix based IP PBX in our lab and hooked it up to use Broadvoice as a gateway. Initially the service was okay. The voice quality was acceptable. Lingo and Vonage are better, but hey, they both dont offer unlimited International calling.

Since i have relations in Hongkong, China and Singapore, i decided to stick it out with Broadvoice.

Then over the new year, the problems started to appear. The voice quality progressively became noisy to a point where the other party on the line would just hang up on me.

Granted VOIP call quality may be caused by a lot of factors OUTSIDE the control of Broadvoice, so i emailed their I quickly got a response. I was to ping the following proxies to find out the nearest one and switch my Asterisk platform to using it.

So i did. I found out that we were using the NYC site, whereas the LAX site was nearer. I then asked for help on how to point the Asterisk to use LAX as the SIP trunk. The support@broadvoice immediately sent me the info.

I quickly entered the code and the system now connects to LAX.

A new problem now becomes apparent. Each call i make will result in the voice prompt “All circuits are busy now, please try your call later”.. A look at the Asterisk logs shows that the “Service is unavailable”…

This is the point where the customer support at broadvoice starts to deteriorate. Despite several emails now (3 i think), and after about 2 days… i still have not gotten a response yet.