Problems with .net v20 and web.config

One of our hosted clients had a .net v2.0 hosted application that simply refuses to run. The error message says that “access is denied” to the web.config file. When i googled for possible solutions, most of it instructs us to add aspnet user and the web impersonation account to the list of users with valid […]

PVR 3000

I got this cute little package from Alex C. of Innovista to play with. It plugs into the USB port and instantly allows one to view and record their favorite TV channels from both Antenna and cable source. I set about to see if this device also supported Microsoft Windows Media encoder. So far there […]

EPSV command not supported

I came across this ftp error when i was attempting to store the dump image from several unix based machines onto our windows 2003 terrabyte server via ftp. Whatever i do, the ftp session seems to hang on ls or dir commands. Any attempt to put or mput files only results in time out errors. […]

SQL 2005 Replication Trials

I tried to do transaction replication on the 2 sql2005 databases. I failed miserably in this attempt. I think its because i did not use active directory. So there wasnt a domain level account to use on both machines. I will try tomorrow and this time, i will join the 2 sql 2005 to a […]

Setting up NLB Server Cluster

Network Load Balancing provides high availability and scalability of servers using a cluster of two or more host computers working together. Internet clients access the cluster using a either a IP address or a set of addresses. The clients are unable to distinguish the cluster from a single server. Server applications do not identify that […]