Subscribed to SEO-Philippines Yahoo egroups

Just subscribed and got accepted to the SEO-Philippines Yahoo group. I have an immediate reward in the form of links to SEO articles from the confirmation email that i got. Definitely worth joining this forum!: Book 1: Keyword Research Guide from Wordtracker (75 pages) This book presents the keyword research task in case study format. It’s slightly […]

4 degrees of Separation to MSN Adcenter

While exchanging emails with Migz Paras, i got to check out Marc Macalua’s SEO website. There i learned that MSN Adcenter was already in Beta. I could try to apply for a MSN adcenter account! I had b*logged about the MSN adcenter before, but thought that it would be quite a while before we could actually use […]

Microsoft vs Google?

I just read this story on that Microsoft is preparing to go into the online ad business. Microsoft will go head to head vs Google and Yahoo on the pay per click ad business. What will it mean for us, bloggers? “Microsoft can be a force because of its reach, its history of innovation and […]