Duncan Riley Interviewed Locally

Techie is proud to be part of the historic overseas interview by a Radio Commentator(Philippines) with Mr Duncan Riley (Australia), ex-owner of the Blog herald, which has been sold recently for 72,000 USD. Techie used our VOIP facilities to record the conversation which is available at eradioportal streaming site part 1 and part 2. Mr Riley […]

Keyword Suggestions

Closely related to our study of keyword density, is the keyword advisor. This is a software application that will suggest alternative keywords that one would otherwise not be conscious of. The Google Sandbox Tool is such a program that helps me find out alternative keywords to use in my campaigns. I will be adding this to […]

How to determine your Keyword Density

One simple way would be to use GoogleRankings Keyword Density Tool. You can use this tool to study a competing or related website to find out more ways you could improve on your site.

Get Googled Almost immediately

According to Chris Lee in his ‘Keyword Master’s Course”, it could take about 2-3 months for Google’s spider to go visit your site and have it indexed. Without this, any search term entered by potential visitors will not list your site in the search results page. What does this mean for your brand new site? […]

Avoid the Word ‘B*log’

Ever wondered why your adsense ad units are related to ‘b*log’-ing? Wonder no more? An article by David A. Utter in Webpronews.com reveals that: Don’t call it a b*log, ThirdSquare’s Dio advised in a recent post about AdSense and b*logs. It seems AdSense loves to display ads about b*logs on b*logs, which frequently doesn’t relate […]